Customer Due Diligence

Personal customer account information form

Change of personal details

If your personal details (title, first name, second name, middle name etc.) have changed recently, let us know by filling in the applicable form and returning it to us.

You need to complete this step in addition to answering the questions below.

You will only need to submit a “Change of address” pdf form if you haven’t received a Mitek link in your letter and you would like to inform us about your new address.

Download a personal details form

Please complete, print and sign before posting or bringing to your local branch.

* Indicates a required field

Identifying you

Your contact details

Source of funds

For example

  • I am in the process of moving to the jurisdiction where the account is required;
  • Foreign National Inpatriate / Expatriate (Inpat / Expat)
  • Own or has inherited a property in the jurisdiction where the account is required and needs an account to pay for maintenance, collect rental income, rates, and other fees
  • Resident of the jurisdiction but studying abroad as a Student

Please respond with N/A if you live in the same jurisdiction as your banking facilities with us.

Your tax residency

Tax Residency Details 2

Tax Residency Details 3

Tax Residency Details 4

Tax Residency Details 5


Final Declaration

If the 'Submit form' remains inactive, please scroll back up and ensure you have completed all of the mandatory fields in the form.

Next steps

Thank you providing this information. 

We may need to contact you again if any of the details we have requested are missing or unclear or if any further questions arise from what you have provided.

If everything has been provided and we require no further information, we won't be back in touch.