Savings goal

Plan your savings with our savings goal tool

Grow your savings to reach your life moments

We think that planning is key to saving when you have something specific in mind. Our savings goals work as a savings calculator to help you break down how much you need to save to reach your goal.

If you’re an existing customer, you can set up a savings goal in our mobile app.

Discover our mobile app

Create a savings goal using our app

  1. 01

    Select the savings account that you want to link to your new savings goal, then select 'Create a savings goal'

  2. 02

    Select a savings goal purpose

  3. 03

    Give your savings goal a name; add your target savings goal amount and the date you’d like to meet your goal

  4. 04

    Review your goal and select ‘Done’

  5. 05

    Set up a regular payment or make an instant transfer to start working towards your goal

Tips to help you save

Top up your savings with Round Ups

Round Ups make saving simple. Pay with your debit card and we'll round up the amount to the nearest pound, sending the spare change to your savings account. Save little and often and the pennies soon add up.

Set up your savings goal

Tying everything together with a specific savings target allows you to watch your savings grow. Having the end goal in your sights can make starting saving and keeping it going feel much easier.

Set up a regular payment

Setting up a regular payment is a quick and easy way to keep your savings growing every month. Try starting small and you might surprise yourself when you see those savings start to grow.

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