Want to make a complaint?
We try to give you the best possible service but occasionally we don’t get things right. If you feel our service could be better, let us know.
Cora, our digital assistant, is available 24/7 to help answer your questions about everyday banking.
To chat with Cora, select 'Chat to Cora' at the bottom right-hand side of most webpages.
Registered customers can use the 'Message Us' feature in our mobile app or the ‘Need help?’ online chat service within online banking.
Book a branch appointment with one of our team for the following services:
Once you’ve booked your appointment, we’ll phone you within 24 hours to confirm the details.
We try to give you the best possible service but occasionally we don’t get things right. If you feel our service could be better, let us know.
We're pleased you've had great service from us. Use our online form to nominate the member of staff for a service award.
You can use our online form to give us some feedback. We're always looking for ways to improve so your feedback is important to us.