Paym was removed from the mobile app on 4th February 2023 meaning Isle of Man Bank customers can no longer use Paym to send or receive money. The Paym scheme closed on 7th March 2023 for all banks. If you were registered for Paym with your Isle of Man Bank account as of 4th February 2023, we automatically registered you for Pay Your Contacts.
You can still use Pay Your Contacts to send or receive money using our Mobile App. So, you’ll still be able to pay registered Royal Bank of Scotland, NatWest, Ulster Bank, NatWest International and Isle of Man Bank customers, using their mobile number. If the recipient doesn’t bank with us or isn’t registered for Pay Your Contacts, you can also use Pay Your Contacts to send them a secure payment link via multiple messaging channels such as WhatsApp, SMS or e-mail. The daily Pay Your Contacts limit is £250 or 20 payments a day.
You can manage your Pay Your Contacts registration anytime in your Mobile App, simply go to your profile and tap ‘Pay Your Contacts’.
Want to ask someone to make a payment to your account? You can share a payment request link or QR code using PayMe in the app.