Customer Due Diligence

Confirm your account information with us

What you need to do

  • If you’ve recently received a letter or email from us, it will explain the precise steps you need to take.
  • This may include:
    1. Updating our online form
    2. and/or

    3. Providing updated ID verification via our security partner Mitek

Why we need this information

  • To meet the relevant regulatory standards, we need you to provide us with accurate and up-to-date account information by following the guidance outlined above.
  • Holding up to date account information is key to helping to detect and deter financial crime and fraud.

Complete the online form

The letter or email we sent you contains your Customer Reference Number which you'll need in order to complete the form.

It's important that the form is completed fully and that the information you provide is correct.


We're committed to providing excellent service to everyone. We recognise that our customers have a range of needs and so we're working with various groups to make sure that our services and products are completely accessible. Contact your local branch or visit our accessibility hub to find out more about the services available to you.

Contact us

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By telephone

Give us a call on +44 (0)1624 632417

Lines are open from Monday to Friday 9am - 5pm UK time, except public holidays.

If outside these hours please leave a message and we'll contact you as soon as we can. Calls may be recorded.

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Email us

We will respond to you within two working days of the receipt of your email.

Send us feedback

Need to make a complaint?

Tell us, so we can put it right

We want to make it easy for you to tell us when things go wrong, resolve your complaint and make sure you're satisfied with how your complaint was resolved.

Want to leave us some feedback?

Tell us what we're doing well

You can use our online form to give us some feedback. We're always looking for ways to improve and your feedback is important to us.