
I've forgotten my customer number

I've forgotten my customer number

Your customer number, given to you when you signed up for Online banking, is your date of birth (ddmmyy) followed by your unique number which identifies you to the bank. So for example if your date of birth is 9th March 1967 then your customer number would start 090367 followed by up to 4 numbers.

If you've forgotten your customer number you can find it using our mobile banking app within the 'Profile' menu (top left-corner of the screen) or the 'Help' menu (bottom of the screen).

Alternatively, you could re-register for online banking (opens in a new window). Your customer number will show on screen when the details you give on the application match those we have in our records. You should then be able to access your accounts straight away.

If you are advised that an activation code will be sent to you, but you already have one you may be able to use it as long as:

  • the code hasn't expired
  • you haven't already tried to use the code

We do suggest you try your original code only once, as if the system doesn't accept it you will need to wait for your new code to arrive as it will have changed. If the system accepts your original code and you're able to generate your PIN and password, you can ignore the new code when it arrives.

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