I don't wish to have a gender specific title on my account, what should I do?
Our records containing your account details do need to include a title as well as your name.
If you do not wish to have a gender specific title on your account, you can go into any Isle of Man Bank branch, contact Telephone banking or webchat to amend the title on your records to Mx (a gender neutral title).
The member of staff will complete a simple form and this will be updated within 2 working days. You will need to be identified as a customer, but no additional identification is required for a change of title.
Please note: We are in the process of updating our systems to include the title of Mx. In the meantime, when making an application online you would need to choose one of the available options and then amend to Mx once the application has been completed.
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If you are also wishing to change your name in our records, evidence of the change of name, such as a Deed Poll, will also be required.
Please note: The name change service is currently not available online or over the phone.
If you wish to amend your gender status on bank records please contact Isle of Man Bank via the branch, Telephone banking or Web chat.